Service Highlight

OTEC Switzerland: close, competent and reliable

OTEC in Switzerland - close, competent and reliable: An experienced German-, Italian- and French-speaking sales team will be available to you as your contact in future.

OTEC Präzisionsfinish GmbH
Straubenhardt, Germany

OTEC Switzerland: close, competent and reliable

An experienced German, Italian and French-speaking sales team will be available to you as your contact in the future - supported by our competent OTEC service department as well as a new logistics center and reliable local service partner.

New ways show us the way in strategically important markets - a new concept offers a lot of challenges, but also new possibilities.

OTEC has been directly involved in the Swiss market since 01 July 2019. An experienced German, Italian and French-speaking sales team is available as your contact - supported by our competent OTEC service department as well as a new logistics center and a reliable local service partner.

Christoph Stirl Marion Schmidt
Sales Manager Head of Internal Sales
+ 49 (0) 151 18061692 + 49 (0) 7082 49 11 22

Christophe Hauss Katja Fast
Sales Manager Internal Sales Manager
+ 49 (0) 151 50044462 + 49 (0) 7082 49 11 5824

Alessandro Meacci Ileana Mele
Sales Manager Internal Sales Manager
+ 39 (0) 34 70 73 21 33 + 49 (0) 7082 49 11 21

We look forward to taking this strategically important step together with you in the future and thank you for your confidence in our work. Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at any time.


Your contact person

Christiane Wasserbäch

Christiane Wasserbäch

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