Service Highlight SWISSTECH 2019

Chemical Etching

Chemical etching is the perfect technique for fast prototyping and high volume production of metal parts. This method allows production with no expensive tools and delivery of no longer than 3 weeks.

Lasertech Srl
Cernusco sul Naviglio, Italy

Lasertech Chemical Machining Group was the first Italian group to develop the process of photo chemical milling (PCM).

PCM is a high technology process which basically consist of controlled removal of metal particles through solutions. This process is particularly convenient in the case of high precision, complex geometry objects, and can be used for a wide range of metal and alloys, with a broad scale of thicknesses. Tolerances can be as tight as a few tens micron.
The company has also a laser cut division, with this technology extremely high precision parts can be achieved with tolerances down to 10 microns on thicknesses from 0,050 to 2,000mm.

By using PCM fast prototyping is always possible whatever the geometry of the part. The cost of the part does not increase with complexity. Delivery time is much faster than any competing technology, tooling costs are very low, the manufacturing process does not affect the material, whole molecular structure remain the same: parts are burr free, temper and magnetic properties remain unaltered, no strain or stress are generated.

The group offers complete service and support, parts can be delivered etched or with surface treatment, bent or formed to achieve the final 3D shape; any surface galvanic treatment, painting, coating, can be supplied at request and customers are assisted throughout the entire cycle. We serve several markets as Eyewear, Telecom, Aerospace, Automotive, Medical, Consumer electronic, Micromechanics, Micro fluidics.

Your contact person

Paolo Iellici

Paolo Iellici

Head of Sales and Marketing
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