
Artificial intelligence in manufacturing - White Paper

Find out how industrial machinery companies using manufacturing operations management (MOM) systems can exploit artificial intelligence (AI) in a wide range of applications.

Siemens Digital Industries Software
Zürich, Switzerland

Artificial intelligence (AI) technology holds significant potential for machine builders and equipment manufacturers.

When implemented correctly, AI capabilities can reduce operational risk and increase productivity. The path toward operational excellence is an incremental journey.

As AI tools are applied to a specific area, manufacturers reap the benefits and then expand to adjacent areas to realize new benefits and higher returns along each step of the way.

Download this white paper to find out how industrial machinery companies using manufacturing operations management (MOM) systems can exploit AI in a wide range of applications.

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Artificial intelligence (AI) in manufacturing examples

Leveraging artificial intelligence in manufacturing relies on the relationship between automated manufacturing equipment, MOM systems and AI applications.

While each individual company must decide where to implement AI capabilities first, the greatest value can be applied to manufacturing operations using a MOM system in these areas:

  • Manufacturing execution system (MES)
  • Quality management system (QMS)
  • Advanced planning and scheduling (APS)
  • Enterprise manufacturing intelligence (EMI)
  • Research, development and laboratory (RD&L)

AI can be applied to these different manufacturing processes to predict information about the supply chain, production, quality and more.

Get this white paper and discover real world examples where AI has been implemented to increase productivity in manufacturing.

Access this White Paper now >

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Tatiana Palladini

Tatiana Palladini

Marketing Execution EMEA - Industrial Machinery
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